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Report of the Council of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, for the Year 1914


[Originally published by the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec in Transactions, New Series, No. 29 (1917)]




The annual general meeting was held on the 12th January, 1915.


Present:—Mr. Justice McCorkill, President, and Messrs. D. H. Geggie, Col. Wood, D.C.L., E. T. D. Chambers, W. Clint, F. Lampson, Dr. J. M. Harper, Cyr. Tessier, D. D. O'Meara, Colonel Neilson, James Geggie, A. Robertson and F. Glass.


The President, Mr. Justice McCorkill occupied the chair and read the report of the Council, which among other matters made reference to the Society's Library and its appeals to the reading public. The Society was represented at the meeting of the Royal Society in Montreal by Dr. Harper, who had given a very interesting report of the Society's work.


Reference was made to the war and to the fact that three of the Society's most prominent members, Rev. Canon Scott, Rev. Father O'Leary (both Chaplains) and Lt. Col. D. Watson were with the first Canadian Contingent and on the eve of leaving Salisbury Plain for the firing line. During the mobilization of this contingent at Valcartier a number of interesting books were sent by the Society to the Y.M.C.A. tent at the camp for distribution among the forces. Feeling reference was made to the deaths of three prominent members of the Society: Right Rev. Dr. Dunn, Bishop of Quebec, Hon. Peter S. G. Mackenzie and Mr. Wm. A. Marsh.


The Report of the Librarian was submitted by Mr. E. T. D. Chambers. Reference was made in it to the gratifying increase in the utility of the Library, as more extensive use had been made of it lately than in previous years. The additions to the Library were more important for their value than their number. The circulation had numbered some 8,395 volumes.


The election of officers resulted as follows:


President:—Dr. J. M. Harper.

Vice-Presidents:—Col. Turnbull, J. T. Koss, A. H. Cook and D. H. Geggie.

Treasurer :—James Geggie.

Recording Secretary:—A. Robertson.

Corresponding Secretary:—Col. Crawford Lindsay.

Council Secretary:—William Clint.

Librarian:—E. T. D. Chambers.

Curator of Museum:—P. Gagnon.

Curator of Apparatus:—J. M. Johnston.

Additional Members of Council:—Rev Dr. Scott, Rev. P. M. O'Leary, F. Lampson and J. C. Sutherland.


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