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Report of the Council of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, for the Year 1869


[Originally published by the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec in Transactions, New Series, No. 7 (1870)]



The Council has the pleasure to report that the past year has been one of increased and uninterrupted prosperity; the stated meetings have been well attended; the papers read were of general interest; and some of them, owing to their more immediate bearing on the objects which the Society was founded to promote, have been published in our "Transactions."


It has also the pleasure to state that the "Historical Documents," published under the auspices of the Society, have been sought after by kindred associations in other countries, and have led to the formation of pleasing connections with correspondents, both in the old and new worlds, with whom an interchange of publications has taken place.


Very valuable additions by purchase and donation have been made to the Museum, especially to the Ornithological Department; and about one hundred volumes of the higher current literature have been procured for the library, which, in the opinion of the Council, are calculated to meet the varied tastes and wants ; but, being desirous of carrying out to the fullest extent the wishes of all their constituents, the Council recommends that they should avail themselves more freely of the " Recommendation Book."


The convenience and comfort of the present rooms have led to their being more frequented than formerly ; and the variety and high standard of the periodicals on the table have no doubt together contributed to the large increase of members.


The rooms have been visited during the past year by many strangers, first among whom, in rank and place, was His Royal Highness Prince Arthur.


The arrangements made with Mr. Mathison, as custodian of the rooms and sub-librarian, have proved very satisfactory.

The expenditure has been large, but strictly within the revenue; and it is satisfactory to find that notwithstanding the large, yet necessary disbursements, there is yet a handsome balance on hand; and it ought now to be decided whether it would not be prudent to set annually a certain sum to form a reserve" fund. The Treasurer's account shows:—


Revenue…….           $2,585 09

Expenditure….. 1,952 21

Balance……… $ 632 88


The balance is apportioned as follows:


Historical Fund……… $130 42

Life-Members Fund……. 54 65

General Fund…………...447 81


Last year's Report shewed that there were then 170 members entitled to full privileges, 130 of whom had paid all dues. During the past year, the list of members swelled to 230, of whom 174 have paid all dues; and the Treasurer's list gives now 174 as entitled to full privileges.


On referring to the 126 names to whom the original charter of the Society was granted on the 5th of October, 1831, they will be found to comprise gentlemen of every nationality and every religious denomination in Quebec. On turning to our present list, we may not be able to shew such an array of talent and influence; but we can point with confidence to many who are imbued with as ardent a love of literature, and who for years have been zealous and no unworthy successors of the distinguished founders of the Society; and it is gratifying to see that it has maintained unimpaired a catholicity worthy of enlightened men in an enlightened age; and the Council cannot conclude better than by repeating the hope expressed in last year's Report, that the reciprocal advantages secured under the existing arrangement between the Society and Morrin College may be maintained, while each shall continue to retain its thorough individuality and independence.


J. DOUGLAS, President.





10th Feb., 1869.—By Dr. Jas. Douglas, giving an Account of the Attempt to form an English Settlement on the Mosquito Shores in the year 1823.


17th Feby., 1869.—By E. D. Ashe, Commander, R. A.—On recent discoveries in Astronomy, illustrating the same by Diagrams.


17th March, 1869.—By E. T. Fletcher.—The Kalavala, or National Epos of the Finns.


7th April, 1869.—By Dr. W. J. Anderson.—On the Rise and Progress of the Mining Village at Harvey Hill, being its Moral and National History. Illustrated by specimens and experiments.


21st April, 1869.—By A. H. E. Faucher de St. Maurice.—Les pages oubliées de Notre Histoire.





In the absence of the Curator, Mr. McNaughton, the members of the Society applied for information to Mr. LeMoine, who has taken a most active part for years past, in the formation of the collection. Mr. LeMoine, who has resigned the office of first Vice-President to accept that of Curator of the Museum for 1870, expressed himself as follows:—


The vote of the meeting will provide the Society with a new staff of office-hearers, selected no doubt as formerly from amongst the most zealous and experienced members. I for one will cheerfully accept the post which a unanimous vote confers on me, decided to contribute, no matter how little, to the important results which the unprecedented prosperity of the Institution and the unusual influx of influential members promises for the year 1870. The principles which have so far guided the Society in the formation of a museum are: 1st, to procure every specimen of the Canadian Fauna; 2nd, Canadian birds and animals being complete, to obtain specimens of Foreign Fauna—American and European. About 100 new specimens of birds and eggs were added during the year 1869, purchased from, and mounted by, Mr. Alfred Lechevalier, a French Taxidermist, now residing in Montreal.


The unusual outlay for book shelves, for furnishing and carpeting the rooms, gazeliers, binding and repairing the books in the Library, naturally absorbed large sums and reduced by so much what otherwise would have been appropriated for natural history specimens. But these sources of expenditure will not exist the ensuing year, and if the museum continues to increase even at its present rate, it will soon be necessary to find additional accommodation. Many think it strange that no representative of the lordly moose, the great elk, or fleet cariboo, and other large animals, are yet to be found in the collection. Certainly these denizens of our forests ought to have a habitation and a name in our rooms and on our catalogue; —the society naturally look to some of the Nimrods to be found amongst its members, for the presentation of such acceptable gifts. A rare chance of increasing our ornithological collection occurred last summer; a chance which possibly may never occur again: I allude to the generous act of a learned French Professor, Brother Ogérien, sent to America by the French Emperor, who visited Quebec in July last. He placed the whole of the birds of France at my disposal to be exchanged, for the benefit of our Society, for duplicates of Canadian birds. Unfortunately the Society had no duplicates, and this very advantageous offer would have ended without any result, had not the Laval University and the Rev. Mr. Anderson, several owners of collections and myself, procured for exchange a number of Canadian birds; as it was, one-half of these splendid specimens had to be sent back to France.


I shall avail myself of the opportunity to appeal to our successful deer stalkers and sportsmen to set aside for the Society birds and animals shot by them; as duplicates they are available for exchange. The munificence of several Quebecers towards objects of science, charity or religion, has recently afforded a most pleasant theme of conversation inside and outside of Quebec; strange to say, the Literary and Historical Society was never yet remembered. It has occurred to some, that possibly a latent cause, an erroneous impression, must have at times diverted from its doors the tributes of private benevolence so abundantly showered on other institutions. Possibly, some may imagine that the society by its rules and by-laws is prohibited from receiving; if so, this is a most unfounded impression. A few gifts would enable the Board of Directors to make the Library and Museum not only a credit to Quebec,—it is that already,—but a vast storehouse of knowledge, a point of attraction to every distinguished stranger visiting this historical capital, the " Mother of Canadian Cities," old Quebec.


J. M. LEMOINE, Vice-President.





Specimens of Devonian Plants collected at the Fern Lodge, near St. John, New Brunswick,—Natural and Historical Society, St. John, New Brunswick.


Copy of Petition from the Commissioners for erecting a Metropolitan Church to Lt.-Governor Milnes, Quebec, 26th June, 1802,—W. A. Himsworth.


Painting of an Astrolabe, supposed to belong to Champlain,—J. Langton.


A Curiosity of Japan from the holy Island of Onesana, said to be a Natural production; also, a Japanese Map of Yeddo,—A Campbell.


A Fossil Egg?—J. Neilson.


Foot of the Kirotherian.—Dr. J. B. Edwards.


A Bronze Medal in commemoration of the Confederation of the Provinces,—Governor-General and Council.


Three Stuffed Birds, viz. : Golden-eyed Duck, an Owl, and a Curlew, P. McNaughton.





Having been elected by you Librarian of one of the most important libraries in the Province of Quebec, I believed it to be my duty to carry out the wish of my predecessor, Mr. Douglas; and-therefore, with the authority of the Council, expressed at the last annual meeting, caused a new edition of the Catalogue to be made.


This catalogue is to-day finished, and only requires, to make it complete, that it should be alphabetically arranged, with the addition of notes, so that the student may have an indication of the value and rarity of the works that are to be found upon the shelves of our library.


I would also recommend that the Catalogue should contain the rules of the Library, a complete list of the reviews and magazines received by the Society, and an exact and detailed copy of the indices relating to the " Archives of London," and the MS. correspondence of the Governors of Canada. A mass of precious materials is contained in these 24 folios, some of which have been printed in O'Callaghan's collection; but a great number of the memoirs are still unpublished; and the Society would render a great service to the Litterateurs of this country by placing them in a position to utilize the hidden treasure.


The labours of the past year have placed me in a position to lay before the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec a detailed statement of the 8974 volumes which make up the Library. They are classed as follow:—



 314 volumes

Natural and Physical Sciences

 328 “

Natural and Physical History of Animals

 215 “

Natural History of America

 64 “

Natural and Physical History of Man

 28 “

Engineering and useful Arts

 138 “

Fine Arts

 70 ”

Domestic Economy

 10 ”


 96 ”

Geography and Travels

 819 “


 375 “

Modern History

1311 “

American History and Antiquities

 118 “

Canadian History

 602 “


 657 “

Political Economy and Social Sciences  

 371 “


 176 “

Greek and Roman Literature

 115 “

Modern Literature

1376 “

Catalogues of Books

 24 “

Moral Philosophy and Metaphysics

 315 “


 349 “


 399 “


These works have been classified and placed in proper order on their respective shelves ; but I have not included herein pamphlets and incomplete works which have been set apart in the Museum.


216 volumes have been added to the Library during the past year 156 of which were purchased by the Association, the remaining 60 being gifts from members and corresponding members of the Society. Amongst the additions, I must mention that made to the splendid collection on America that we possess, which now contains the complete series of the Cromoize press of John Gilmary Shea, Esquire, of New York, as well as that of the librarian Edwin Tross, of Paris. During the term of my office as librarian, the benefactors of the library have been M. Antoine d'Abbadie, member of l'Institut de France; Mr. Edwin Tross, the celebrated bibliophile; the historian Shea; our French Canadian poet, M. Pamphile Lemay; the Hon. MM. Chauveau and Archibald; MM. Montizambert. Anderson, Bartolotti, LeMoine, Budden, Dr. Marsden, Sir Duncan Gibb, Brigadier-General Flagg, and Alfred Garneau.


Since my assuming office on the 11th January, 1869, the number of books circulated amongst the members of the Society has been 1499 volumes. I believe that this circulation, considerable as it is, could be greatly increased, did the young French Canadians of our city know the treasures of literature, philosophy and history, that are to be found in our library.


On our table we have thirty-three of the best European and American reviews and magazines. Our library contains the best and the oldest editions of French classics, as it does the best works of the more esteemed modern authors. I have no doubt, if publicity were given to the proceedings of our meetings in the newspapers of the city, that it would be a means of inducing our intelligent young men to inscribe their names upon our register, as members, by the side of that of H. R. H. Prince Arthur.


The whole respectfully submitted.








Scientific American, in 5 vols; Phrenological Journal, 1 vol.,—by L. Bertolotto.


History of the Line and other Tracts, in 2 vols.; Order-Book, Williamsburgh, Va.; 1776,—by T. H. Wynne.


Ornithologie du Canada, 1 vol.,—by J. M. LeMoine.


Reports of Education in English and French, 10 vols, of each,—by the Minister of Public Instruction.


Belzoni's Work on Egypt,—by H. Budden.


Rhode Island Colonial Records, in 3 vols.; Rules and Order of General Assembly, 1869,—by Brigd.-Flagg.


Books on different subjects, 10 vols.,—by J. G. Shea.


Crimean War, by H. Tyrrol, in numbers, complete, and a number of Periodicals,—by C. N. Montizambert.


One small Book,—by J. G. Shea.


One small Book and twelve Pamphlets,—by Sir Duncan Gibb, Baronet.


One Pamphlet,—by Dr. W. J. Anderson.


Nova Scotia Archives, 1 volume,—by the Honble. A. G. Archibald.


A number of printed Documents, in French and German,—by Smithsonian Society.


Books and Documents in French, 16 volumes,—by A. H. E. -Faucher de St. Maurice.


Small Books, 6 volumes,—by ditto.



Abstract of the Treasurer's account of the Quebec Literary and Historical Society.









Jany. 12.

To Balance on Hand:




Historical Document Fund

$130 42



Life Members’ Fund

 54 65



General Fund

 661 22





$ 846 29


To received the Government Grant


 750 00


To received Subscriptions for a new Carpet


 129 00


To received for Interest


 30 80


To received Members for Subscriptions


 829 00




$2585 09






Jany. 12.

By paid for Furniture, Carpets, &c, &c


$579 53


By do do Books, Pamphlets, &c


 556 00


By do do Rent, Fuel Gas, &c, &c


 345 00


By do do Museum


 123 85


By do do Salaries, &c, &c  


 164 40


By do do Sundry Expenses, Insurance, Collecting, Catalogue,

Lectures, Advertising, &c, &c



 188 43


By Balance on hand, as follows :




Historical Document Fund

130 42



Life Members, Fund

 54 65



General Fund

447 81





 632 88




$2585 09


 Quebec. January, 1870.


T. H GRANT, Treasurer.



Literary and Historical Society of Quebec




His Excellency the Hon. Sir NARCISSE F. BELLEAU, Lieut.-Governor.


Honorary Members





Sir William E. LOGAN, F.R.S.



General LEFRO Y, R.A., F.R.S.
















Corresponding Members


Abbadie, A.

Bury, Rt. Hon. Viscount, London

Baird, Spencer F., Smithsonian Institute, Washington.

Benwick, James, New York.

Bourne, F. Orlandt, New York.

Brackenbury, Capt. H., R.A.

Boucher de Boucherville, Hon.,

Bois, Abbé, L. E.. Maskinongé. Speaker, L.C., Q.

Campbell, Major, St. Hilaire.

Chauveau, Hon. P. J. O. Quebec.

Cherriman, Professor, Toronto University.

Chapleau, J. A., M.P.P., Montreal.

Cortambert, A.

De Sola, Rev. A., Montreal.

Dorat, Sir John, M.D., London.

D'Urban, W. S. M.

De Peyster, General J. Watts, New York.

Dansereau, A.

Fortin, P., M.P. .

Fitisqui, Le Comte.

Gibb, Sir D., Bart.

Graham, Lt.-Col., U.S.A. Chicago

Gérin, E.

Grazillie. L'Abbé.

Henderson, W., Frampton.

Hamilton, P. S., Halifax.

Kingston, G. T., Professor, Upper Canada College, Toronto.

Latour, Huguet, Montreal.

Lefebvre de Bellefeuille, E., Montreal.

Marchand, F. G.                   

Noble, Captain,.R. A., F.R.S., Woolwick.

Provancher, N., M.P.P., Montreal.

Russell, J. P., M.D.E., Toronto.

Roche, A. R., Toronto.

Roget, Peter Mak, London.

Sechelles, C, Desmazieres de St. Malo, France.

Sewell. Rev. Henry.

Sinding, Paul, C, Professor, Copenhagen.

Shea, J. G.

Suite, B.

Taylor, F.

Tross, E.

Tilley, H. L. G.           







Life Member:—THOMAS GLOVER, Esquire.


Associate Members.

Ashe, E. D., Comdr., F.R.S.

Anderson, W. J., M.R.C.S.

Alleyn, Hon. C.

Ashe, W. A.

Ahern, W.

Andrews, F. H.


Bowen, N. H.

Bouchette, Jos.

Baillairgé, Chas.

Burroughs, J. H. R.

Bertolotto, L.

Baillairgé, L. J.

Baby, M. W.

Boswell, J. K.

Bossé, J. G.

Budden, J. S.

Belleau, J. F.

Bennett, Benson.

Breakey, W.

Blanchet, H.

Burstall, E.

Bourchier, E. T., Col. R. E.

Boswell, W., M.D.

Brown, W. P.

Boomer, J.

Bowles, G. J.

Bowles, J.

Blaiklock, F. W.

Bruce, R.

Blanchette, Hon. J. G., M.P;

Chauveau, Hon. P. J. O., M.P.

Cook, Rev. J., D.D.

Campbell, W. D.

Cook, J. W.

Colston, J. G., B.A., L.L.M.

Casault, N., M.P.

Chinic, Eugène.

Clarke, Rev. W. B.

Caron, A. P.

Campbell, G.

Campbell, Arch.

Cassels, Robt.

Casgrain, P. B.

Charlebois, J. A.

Carlisle, W. 0., Lt H. A.

Cook, W.


DeCelles, A. D.

Dunbar, J.

Douglas, Dr. James.

Delagrave, C.

Dunn, W.

Doucet, P. A.

Dawson, S. J.

Dorion, L. E.

Dinning, H.

Dickenson, T. E.

Douglas, Jas., Jr.

Drum, S. W.

Dunlevie, G. G.

Delaney, P.

Davies, W. A.


Fitzgerald, G. L..J.

Fraser, A.

Fry, H.

Fabre, Hector.

Fothergill, Rev. M. M.

Fraser, A.

Fry, J. S.

Foote, J. J.

Faucher de St.Maurice, A. H. E.

Farrell, H., Capt. R. A.

Fairchild, G.


Grant, T. H.

Garneau, P.

Glass, Jno.

Goldstone, Geo., M.D.

Gilmour, Jno.

Gregory, J. U.

Gibb, Jos.

Glass, H.

Goodwin, J. W.


Hall, G. B.

Holt, C. G.

Hossack, W.

Hossack, J.


Hart, Geo.

Hunt, W.

Hamilton, R.

Hamilton, Rev. Chas.

Home, W.

Hunter, T.

Hamel, F. X. T.

Hall, G.

Hamel, J.

Home, J.

Hemming, H.


Irvine, Hon. Geo., M.P.

Irwin, D. T., Lt. R. A.


Johnsen, C. J.

Joly, H. G., M.P.

Johnstone, P.

Jackson, A. H.

Joseph, A.


LeMoine, J. M.

LeMoine, Gasp.

Langlois, Jean, M. P.

Ledroit, T.

Langlois, C. B.

LeSueur, P.

Laird, J. U.

Lamontagne, E.

Lesage, L.

Lampson, F.

Legendre, N.


McGreevy, Hon. T., M.P.

Montizambert, C. N.

Marsden, W., M.A., M.D.

Moodie, W.

McNaughton, P.

Mountain, M. G.

MacAdams, W. J.

Mills, F. W., F.C.O.

Miller, M.       

Maxham, A. J.

McNaughton, Jno.

Murphy, O.

McBlain, H.

McQuarrie, Rev. A. N.

Miles, H. H., L.L.D.

McLeod, R.

McKedie, D. C.

Morgan, R.

McCord, T.

Macleod, D. R.

Murray, T. G., Dr., R.A.


Neilson, Jno.

Neilson, H., M.D.


O'Meara, D. D.


Peebles, P.

Peters, H. J.

Poston, W.

Paradis, O. E.

Patton, D.

Price, E. J.

Peters, S.

Pope, E.

Plees, Rev. R. G.

Poston, C.

Powis, Rev. H. D.

Park, T., Dr. R. A.


Quebec, J. Lord Bishop.


Renault, A.

Richardson, . L., Jr.

Renaud, J. B.

Roy, F. E., M.D.

Reynar, Jos.

Renny, J. B.

Renfrew, G. R.

Rhodes, Col. W.

Ray, W. G.

Rowand, A., M.D.

Rattray, D.

Robertson, A.

Ross. J. G.

Ross, N. N., Jr.

Richardson, W. C.


Scott, H. S.

Shaw, R.

Stevenson, M.

Sheppard, W G.

Sewell, J. A. M.D., Jr.

Stevenson, J.

Simons, W.

Shaw, P. A.

Smith, H .S .

Smith, C. F.

Smith, R. H.

Stanley, W., Jr.

Stuart, Hon. A., Judge.

Smyth, J., Mjr. 69th Regt.

Stubbs, W.

Sheppard, H. C.

Sewell, A. R., Lt.-Col


Tessier, P. O.

Tétu, L.

Thibaudeau, Hon. I.

Thomson, D. C

Turnbull, J. F.

Thomson, Andrew.

Taylor, J. E.

Thompson, G.

Thomson, J. C.


Vial, Rev. W. S.

Von iffland, Rev. A. A.


Wilkie, D.

Wurtele, R. H.

Walker, W. A.

White, W.

Wilkie, C.

Wilkinson, J. B.

Wheeler, Alfred.

Wood, G. A. L.

Webster, A. D.

Watters, A.

Walsh, M. F.

Wakeham, W.

Woods, A.

White, A., Lt. R. A


Young, J. R.



Literary and Historical Society of Quebec






ED. D. ASHE, COM. R.N   








Recording Secretary

C. WILKIE     

Corresponding Secretary


Council Secretary




Curator of Museum


Curator of Apparatus


Additional Members of Council





N. B.—The Manuscripts and Transactions of the Society may be obtained on application to the President, Dr. ANDERSON, Morin College Quebec.


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