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Catalogue of Instruments and Apparatus belonging to the Society in 1830


[Originally published by the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec in Transactions, Original Series, Volume 2 (1831)]



A Chemical Cabinet.

Pair of 21-inch Globes.

Large Table Air Pump on Stand with Barometer Guage.

Electric Machine.

Electric Cannon.

Insulated Stool.

Set of Electric Bells.

Insulated Stand with double jars to explain the Franklinian Theory.

Cases of Chemical Tests, Acids, &c.

Double register Thermometer, Case and Magnet.

Four  14-inch  Metal Scale Thermometers from  50°-0 to 220°-x 0.

Two plain Barometers with Thermometers.


Daniels Hygrometer.

Wollaston's Goneometer.

Solar Microscope.

Universal ditto.

Glass Prism on ball and socket stand.

Brando's Scale of Equivalents.

Magnetic Apparatus.


Jointed and universal dischargers and press.

Exhausted Flask.

Magic Picture.

Luminous Bird.

Pair of Hemispheres. 54

Set of Windmills.

Model of Water Pump.

Hand and Bladder Glass.

Filtering Cup.

Double Transferrer.

Receivers for ditto.

Bell Receiver.

Leslie's  Receiver and  Disk,   Stand  and  Evaporator  for freezing experiments.

Set of Glass Bubbles for Specific Gravities.

Portable Transit Instrument, with Achromatic Telescope.

Large Achromatic Telescope.

Glass Globes for shewing the unequal expansion of fluids.

Wollaston's Pocket Blow-pipe Apparatus.

Geometrical Solids.

Galvanic Battery.


C 2008 Literary and Historical Society of Quebec Tous droits reserves
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