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Detailed Account of the vessels arriving at Quebec in the year 1793


Author unknown


[Originally published by the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec in Historical Documents, Series 6 (1882)]



The following tabular statement of arrivals from sea at Quebec, during the navigation season of 1793, showing dates of sailing and arrival, nature of cargo, ports from which the ship sailed, names of ships, masters, owners, consignees, &c., was extracted from the Registers of the Quebec Exchange and contributed, for publication, to the archives of the Literary and Historical Society by MacPherson LeMoyne, Esquire, Seignior of Crane Island, Montmagny, Province of Quebec.

Navires arrives au port de Quebec en l'an 1793
Navires arrives au port de Quebec en l'an 1793

C 2008 Literary and Historical Society of Quebec Tous droits reserves
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